Berlin epilogue (je n'en connais pas la fin)
14 June 2010 permalinkTomorrow, I am leaving Berlin and it’s perfectly fine that way. I’ve spend the last couple of weeks enjoying the company of friends, and a city revitalized by the arrival of summer. Somehow, the knowledge of imminent departure made my life here take a more focused and enjoyable turn. After a couple of months of cohabitation, I finally discovered a shared musical emotion between me and my roomie: a total adoration for the late and great Jeff Buckley. We also discovered Berlin’s “Airport lake” has a bad pr agent, it’s actually quite beautiful. Etc, etc. One thing if for sure: Berlin never ends, and like a smoker will always stay one, even after quitting for 20 years, I feel right now I will always be returning, unable to see it seperate from the home it has been to me for neigh on 2 years.
I managed to avoid having any involvement with the world cup until last Sunday, and next time I will try to break this record.
So anyway, it’s on to the next adventure now. Yesterday, the Flemish nationalist party won elections by a landslide, and that makes me quite anxious. I have so many identities to juggle around (Belgian, programmer, reader, Eurotrash in Berliner), that I’m loathe to get involved with another one, either positively or negatively. My business is pleasure, friends and family. With an eye out for vagabonding through Europe and hopefully Turkey/Armenia/Georgia/Iran later on. And maybe, just maybe, figure out what the fruits of my life should be.
I feel good, because I know my friendships made here will last and shall be expanded on in a future moment, just as I know for sure my friendships in Belgium will, because this is the most important things for me.
Watch this space.